KPS Swimming is an extra-curricular activity for pupils of Kildare Place School. KPS Swimming is organised by parents on a voluntary basis. Swim sessions take place outside school hours at Swan Leisure, Rathmines.
The KPS Weekday Swim takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays at 3pm at Swan Leisure, Rathmines. Applications are accepted from June for the following September. The lessons run throughout the school year and coincide with the school calendar.
There are usually around 34 lessons a year. All swimmers from Junior Infants to 6th class are welcome to apply and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
The Junior Swim Squad takes swimmers from 2nd and 3rd class after a try-out session, usually held in April / May each year. Junior Squad swims the 15m length of the pool at Swan Leisure and trains twice a week on Thursdays (4-5pm) and Saturdays (4.30-5.30pm).
Attendance at both sessions each week is a requirement of squad. Squad training will be a combination of front crawl, breastroke, backstroke, butterfly and other water skills.
APPLICATIONS to tryout for Junior Squad for September 2019 are now closed.
The Senior Swim Squad takes swimmers from 4th, 5th and 6th class after a try-out session, usually held in April / May each year. Senior Squad swims the full 25m length of the pool at Swan Leisure and trains twice a week on Wednesdays (7-8pm) and Saturdays (5.45-6.45pm). Attendance at both sessions each week is a requirement of squad. Squad training will be a combination of front crawl, breastroke, backstroke, butterfly and other water skills.
APPLICATIONS to tryout for Senior Squad for September 2019 are now closed.
Applications to try out for KPS Junior and Senior squad for September 2019 are now closed.
Applications for Weekday Swim for September 2019 are now being taken
Click here to apply for KPS Weekday Swim for September 2019.
Use the form for queries regarding weekday swim for september 2019
KPS Weekday Swim and Swim Squad are separate groups and run by different committees. Attendance at Weekday Swim is not a guarantee of progression to Swim Squad.
For general information about Kildare Place School, click here.
Weekday Swim Committee: Susannah Lydon, Sharon Fry (Treasurer), Judith Gilsenan, Natalia McEnroe.
Squad Swim Committee: Chris Burge, Johnny Woods (Treasurer), Lulu McCarthy, Alex Jefferson, Jane Mullett, Rebecca Ferraro
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